Cmake message variable. Print neither Installing nor Up-to-date messages.
Cmake message variable. Print Installing but not Up-to-date messages.
Cmake message variable Jul 28, 2014 · As required by CMake, the items are separated by semicolons. If you use trace to find a CMake file and variable of interest (e. The content between the square brackets is obtained by converting the CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT list variable to a dot-separated string. By default, message context is not shown, it has to be explicitly enabled by giving the cmake--log-context command-line option or by setting the CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT_SHOW variable to true. Sep 12, 2014 · Quoting the CMake documentation:. Apr 9, 2023 · CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists. FIND_PACKAGE should set some variables like CLANG_INCLUDE_DIRS. Example: list( APPEND listVar one two three ) message( VERBOSE [[ Collected items in the "listVar" : ]] ) list( APPEND CMAKE_MESSAGE_INDENT " " ) foreach( item IN LISTS listVar ) message Apr 2, 2018 · What was the reason to allow numeric only variable names in CMake? It makes the next code frustrative (if's condition becomes true): set(1 3) set(2 3) if (1 EQUAL 2 The CMAKE_INSTALL_MESSAGE variable may be set to control which messages are printed: ALWAYS. If you want to build a project under win32, you must use -A Win32 to specify the platform. txt:11 (message): uninitialized variable 'val1' Setting variable in the parent scope You can modify a variable using PARENT_SCOPE keyword in set or unset command. 9 Debian Wheezy-backports: 2. If you want to declare a list variable, you will have to provide it as a ;-separated string. Say of the form: "Ax3. Given: set(MY_SECRET_VAR "foo") # later only the name of the variable is known. CMake cannot find my Eigen3 package. In order to evaluate variable references immediately when scheduling a deferred call, wrap it using cmake_language(EVAL). Jan 10, 2014 · That said, setting environment variable prior to calling cmake is often the easiest solution to solve the problem. set(THE_NAME "MY_SECRET_VAR") # Now i'm looking for a way to get the value "foo" from the name # something like: set(THE_VALUE "${THE_NAME}") # THE_VALUE should be "foo" Added in version 3. Internal Variables. The message() command joins the strings from this list and for log levels of NOTICE and below, it prepends the resultant string to each line of the message. find_package_message stores a variable in the cache (FIND_PACKAGE_MESSAGE_DETAILS_foobar) containing the value of the above third argument ("[${info}][${foobar_VERSION}]") and prints the message again when that variable doesn't exist or changed. But now I'm observing a much stranger behavior: I get a message Variable "ARDUINO_SDK_PATH" was accessed using READ_ACCESS with value . txt 的文件来构造的,注意大小写不能拼写错误。我们在CMakeLists. Messages of log levels NOTICE and below will have each line preceded by the content of the CMAKE_MESSAGE_INDENT variable (converted to a single string by concatenating its list items). It does not matter if the variable is true or false This variable is an alternative to providing the --log-context option on the cmake command line. I have a makefile for my project, with which I can pass an argument that controls certain build flags. Dec 13, 2024 · This line will display "This is a simple status message. 34. 1". set (PROJECT_NAME "MyProject") message ("Building project: ${PROJECT_NAME}") Demonstrates how to use CMake variables within the message. Variables that Describe the System. add_custom_command(TARGET yourtarget POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E cmake_echo_color --cyan "Message after yourtarget has been built. When enabled by the cmake--log-context command line option or the CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT_SHOW variable, the message() command converts the CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT list into a dot-separated string surrounded by square brackets and prepends it to each line for messages of log levels NOTICE and below. Variable Expansion Operators. Example: list( APPEND listVar one two three ) message( VERBOSE [[ Collected items in the "listVar" : ]] ) list( APPEND CMAKE_MESSAGE_INDENT " " ) foreach( item IN LISTS listVar ) message cmake mentioned CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR as cmake variable, not environment one. The message() command is to display messages during the configuration and build process. 11 Note that the command line option takes precedence over the cache variable. Thank you. This will output: "Building project: MyProject" Conditional Messages This variable is an alternative to providing the --log-context option on the cmake command line. make yourtarget, you can use. txt to a separate file and then include this in your test. Variables for Languages. Understanding and inspecting the variables used within a CMake project is crucial for debugging and optimization. Variables is stack based, properties are object based. This feature provides the user or developer with information, debugging details, or updates on the current status of a CMake script while it is running. CMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL. I have a variable that contains both digits and letters. Variables for CPack. Dec 13, 2024 · By using variables and expressions within the message text, you can create dynamic and informative messages. Variables for CTest. -DMy_Var=ON), that variable is stored inside the cache. tlb from the local bin to the program bin. The cmake-variables(7) manual documents the many variables that are provided by When enabled by the cmake--log-context command line option or the CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT_SHOW variable, the message() command converts the CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT list into a dot-separated string surrounded by square brackets and prepends it to each line for messages of log levels NOTICE and below. Nov 21, 2022 · The documentation tells that variable CMAKE_INSTALL_MESSAGE affects only on install() command: Specify verbosity of installation script code generated by the install Jan 22, 2020 · Note, that semicolons are not removed when you put your variable in quotes (see example above), so if you're invoking some external command, like a powershell script, then the PATH variable should be passed correctly. Print neither Installing nor Up-to-date messages. The CMake GUI displays all messages in its log area. The main advantage to using this variable is to make a log level persist between CMake runs. Mar 31, 2022 · FIND_PACKAGE(Clang REQUIRED) SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER clang) I would like to set clang as C compiler, but if I use it like this, it uses clang from system and not from FIND_PACKAGE. Nov 30, 2020 · CMake项目时基于一个名为 CMakeLists. The command will receive the following arguments: COMMAND(<variable> <access> <value> <current_list_file> <stack>) <variable> Name of the variable being accessed. Dec 28, 2024 · Understanding scope in CMake is crucial for managing variable visibility and behavior in your build system. If set in the cache it is used to initialize the value of the RULE_MESSAGES property. Since generator expressions are evaluated during generation of the buildsystem, and not during processing of CMakeLists. Previous message: [CMake] print path variables within submodules? Next message: [CMake] print path variables within submodules? Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] Feb 23, 2021 · The answer is right there on the linked site: The --log-level command-line option to each of these tools can be used to control which messages will be shown. Note the following caveats: Macro arguments are not variables. 8. Whereas the command line option will apply only to that one CMake run, setting CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT_SHOW to true as a cache variable will ensure that subsequent CMake runs will continue to show the message context. For STATUS to TRACE messages, this indenting content will be inserted after the hyphens. ) influences how the message is displayed and affects the build process. cmake-variables - CMake Variables Reference VARIABLES THAT PROVIDE INFORMATION CMAKE_AR Name of archiving tool for static libraries. Jan 22, 2021 · Update for CMake 3. For example, I want to conditionally set an environment variable with the content of a file that resides on disk, and if it's not there I want to print a helpful message. To make a log level persist between CMake runs, the CMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL variable can be set instead. The printed message is "Printing without mode parameter", enclosed in double quotes. " as a standard status message during the CMake build process. txt they are set in and everything called cmake-variables(7) ¶ Contents. The Cancelled Message is never printed because its command is canceled. 0. 0 and newer: line continuation is possible with \. After the upgrade everything ran smoothly and the compilation was successful. I need variable with path to clang, but I have not found name of that variable or other variables. The following. If the specified <variable> changes and no <command> is given, a message will be printed to inform about the change. Messages of log levels NOTICE and below will also have each line preceded by the content of the CMAKE_MESSAGE_INDENT variable (converted to a single string by concatenating its list items). i am using the following command to add a post build event to copy a . in this case, you must include CMakePrintHelpers include(CMakePrintHelpers) cmake_print_variables(PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR) When enabled by the cmake --log-context command line option or the CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT_SHOW variable, the message() command converts the CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT list into a dot-separated string surrounded by square brackets and prepends it to each line for messages of log levels NOTICE and below. It is important that if you do not use -A, the variable will be empty Aug 1, 2013 · Three typical CMake string concatenation methods. cmake file. CMAKE_ARGC Number of command line arguments passed to CMake in script mode. Aug 24, 2015 · # Sets the AVAILABLE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES variable to the default available configurations # (For some reason, CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES tends to be empty) function(get_available_configuration_types) # Get all variables that cmake cache defines by default execute_process(COMMAND cmake -LAH -N OUTPUT_VARIABLE CMAKE_CACHE_VARIABLE_LIST) # Convert The CMAKE_INSTALL_MESSAGE variable may be set to control which messages are printed: ALWAYS. these commands. This variable is an alternative to providing the --log-context option on the cmake command line. In contrast, when assigning "a;b;c" to a variable first, all works out as expected. Print Installing but not Up-to-date messages. I set an environment variable called EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR pointing to the path where FindEigen3. $<PLATFORM_ID:platform_ids> 1 if CMake's platform id matches any one of the entries in comma-separated list platform_ids, otherwise 0. Note that the command line option takes precedence over the cache variable. Jul 16, 2013 · You could write a function to join the items of a list together with a delimiter, and then print that out instead. Jul 16, 2018 · From the documentation. The choice of message type ( STATUS , WARNING , FATAL_ERROR , etc. Apr 22, 2018 · So how do variables and properties work in CMake. Oct 30, 2019 · I'm trying to read a file's content and set a variable on the condition whether a file exists relative to the CMakeLists. . -I ${_gRPC_PROTOBUF_WELLKNOWN_INCLUDE_DIR}) I used message to check the value of _gRPC_PROTOBUF_WELLKNOWN_INCLUDE_DIR but not printing anything in terminal. Specify whether to report a message for each make rule. Lists can be manipulated with the list family of commands. CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT¶. Variable Interpolation. Or run CMake with -LH then you will get all variables printed after configuration. Apr 2, 2014 · To make CMake print commands in execute_process calls, use the CMAKE_EXECUTE_PROCESS_COMMAND_ECHO variable. Apr 14, 2014 · To do this, CMake should be passed the command line arg -E. It seems that I have to use -D variable_name= instead of just -D variable_name ? It also seems that If I only check if the variable is defined, cmake-3. 17: Messages of log levels NOTICE and below can also have each line preceded with context of the form [some. message( STATUS ${_gRPC_PROTOBUF_WELLKNOWN_INCLUDE_DIR} ) # no output You might need to debug your CMake build, or debug your C++ code. There's no particularly easy way to do this that I know of. Users may disable the option in their local build tree to disable granular messages and report only as each target completes in Makefile builds. ") New in version 3. txt 文件开始执行。 cmake --log-context コマンドライン オプションを指定するか、 CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT_SHOW 変数を true に設定して、明示的に有効にする必要があります。使用例については、 CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT のドキュメントを参照してください。 When enabled by the cmake--log-context command line option or the CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT_SHOW variable, the message() command converts the CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT list into a dot-separated string surrounded by square brackets and prepends it to each line for messages of log levels NOTICE and below. Example: list( APPEND listVar one two three ) message( VERBOSE [[ Collected items in the "listVar" : ]] ) list( APPEND CMAKE_MESSAGE_INDENT " " ) foreach( item IN LISTS listVar ) message Jun 12, 2014 · The CMake version available on Thrusty Tahr repositories is 2. If you want a cross-platform way to do this that doesn't depend on the syntax of a specific shell to set environment variables, there is the cmake -E env command. Feb 18, 2016 · I could reproduce your problem and you won't get the status messages if CPack's source code is not changed. Some posts inspired me to upgrade CMake. Feb 21, 2019 · I'm using CMake for my recent project and I want to confirm that the right path is set. Otherwise, the variable reference evaluates to an empty string. сmake -A x64 . IN_LIST . 1) PROJECT() CMAKE_POLICY(SET CMP0054 NEW) #-- fixes IF() with quoted args CMAKE_POLICY(SET CMP0057 NEW) #-- enables IF(. I have created CMakeLists. I've added a PPA CMake repository which installs CMake version 3. When set, this variable specifies the logging level used by the message() command. The CMAKE_INSTALL_MESSAGE variable may be set to control which messages are printed: ALWAYS. If a cache entry is found, its value is used. cmake is. cmake-variables(7) Variables that Provide Information. The CMake command-line tool displays STATUS messages on stdout and all other message types on stderr. \ ") Availability of CMake versions: Debian Wheezy (2013): 2. g. A subdirectory creates its own scope. See the CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT documentation for usage examples. CMake debugging# First, let’s look at ways to debug a CMakeLists or other CMake file. The value of the variable does not matter. The cmake-variables(7) manual documents many variables that are provided by CMake or have meaning to CMake when set by project code. CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT_SHOW¶ Setting this variable to true enables showing a context with each line logged by the message() command (see CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT for how the context itself is specified). The behavior you're experiencing is how CPack is currently implemented. However, note that message([=[ This is the first line in a bracket argument with bracket length 1. Print both Installing and Up-to-date messages. A variable reference has the form ${variable_name} and is evaluated inside a Quoted Argument or an Unquoted Argument. Aug 14, 2012 · You can use the CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM variable. Line 1: This line prints a message to the console using the message() command in CMake. txt authors, use the -Wdev flag. Apr 30, 2017 · This is at least very helpful - would give you +10 if that was possible. May 18, 2021 · Understanding CMake variable behavior in SET() and MESSAGE() commands. 18 Jul 31, 2018 · According to CMake documentation on if keyword:. While the answer to this particular question will be best handled via set or string, there is a third possibility which is list if you want to join strings with an arbitrary character. 8) FOREACH(LETTER "a;b;c") MESSAGE("<<${LETTER}>>") ENDFOREACH() interpretes the string "a;b;c" as string literal. Variables that Control the Build. NEVER. So I think it is not possible to get the variables without running CMake. Sep 14, 2022 · A simpler solution is probably just to use CMake's built-in capability for emitting coloured output, i. Aug 1, 2011 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Apr 17, 2015 · IF used to do insane stuff in older CMake; they sort-of fixed this in CMake 3. If <command> is given, this command will be executed instead. Dec 11, 2015 · I'm looking for a way to interpret a string as variable name in cmake. Jan 13, 2016 · I am using CMake to create and build my project solution. \ In fact it is the only line but since it is long \ the source code uses line continuation. Valid values are the same as those for the --log-level command line option of the cmake(1) program. But then you wouldn't use a list for your arguments list (because elements are semicolon-separater), but rather build your own True if a variable, cache variable or environment variable with given <name> is defined. txt but I don't know how to p If an “unset” binding is found, or no binding is found, CMake then searches for a cache entry. txt files, it is not possible to inspect their result with the message() command. CMAKE_MESSAGE_INDENT¶. Please tell me how can I do that. Unrecognized variable in . See also the CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME variable. Sep 18, 2019 · The trace option also comes with trace-expand and trace-source=<file> flavors, to expand CMake variables and trace only a specific file, respectively. I don't know exactly what type of variable CMake sees this at but I want to convert it to a string so I can itterate through it. This specifies the name of the program that creates archive or static libraries. Dec 31, 2014 · It seems like STATUS and FATAL_ERROR are variables with pre-determined values. Printing variables# The time honored method of print statements looks like this in CMake: The CMAKE_INSTALL_MESSAGE variable may be set to control which messages are printed: ALWAYS. context. Other values have undefined behavior and may not be diagnosed. It can't find properties because they are members to one objects in CMake. Apr 27, 2013 · Pro tip: this is using the -D${Variiable name} as in this answer causes cmake to cache the value, so you only have to call cmake with these variables once at the command line once in the project. or cmake -A Win32 . A variable reference is replaced by the value of the variable, or by the empty string if the variable is not set. I haven't checked the code but I can guess. a BOOST variable), you can also make use of variable_watch() to help monitor changes to that variable, and print messages to Note that the command line option takes precedence over the cache variable. The deferred_message variable reference is not evaluated until the call site, so it can be set after the deferred call is scheduled. However, note that 前回はCMake【チュートリアル2】で複数のファイルの扱い方について解説しましたしかし、全部手書きしていては手間がかかって仕方ない事も多々あると思います今回はCMakeで変数・ループ・デバッグの… New in version 3. Then the platform will be stored in the CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM variable. 17. To make CMake emit developer warnings meant for CMakeLists. The Canceled Message is never printed because its command is canceled. The \n character is an escape sequence representing a newline so that the message will be printed on the newline. txt I wrote: find_package( Ei When set, this variable specifies the logging level used by the message() command. with the correct value about 30 times BUT SUDDENLY this message isn't printed any more and my trace messages show empty values. Jun 24, 2015 · CMake: Useful Variables; CMake set() Command; CMake string()Command; CMake list() Command; Cmake: Generator Expressions; The Scope or "What value does my variable have?" First there are the "Normal Variables" and things you need to know about their scope: Normal variables are visible to the CMakeLists. If this variable is set and the --log-level command line option is given, the command line option takes precedence. But if a variable is repeatedly provided, does the last value take effect? # what is the value of FOO? > cmake -DFOO=123 -DFOO=321 Update: Test result shows that the last value takes effect. New in version 3. Jun 26, 2021 · Instead of using message, you can also use cmake_print_variables to display variables. LAZY. Different colors cmake -E cmake_echo_color --normal hello cmake -E cmake_echo_color --black hello cmake -E cmake_echo_color --red hello cmake -E cmake_echo_color --green hello cmake -E cmake_echo_color --yellow hello cmake -E cmake_echo_color --blue hello cmake -E cmake Added in version 3. 0. bashrc. <access> The CMAKE_INSTALL_MESSAGE variable may be set to control which messages are printed: ALWAYS. However, I couldn’t find any documentation describing such behavior. CMake の message() 関数は、一般的にシンプルで使いやすいですが、いくつかの一般的なエラーやトラブルシューティングポイントがあります。 一般的なエラー Feb 23, 2021 · The answer is right there on the linked site: The --log-level command-line option to each of these tools can be used to control which messages will be shown. For the full list of such commands, run cmake -E help. e. ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(TARGET ${ The CMAKE_INSTALL_MESSAGE variable may be set to control which messages are printed: ALWAYS. Is this behavior consistent across different OS? Should I Variables in CMake are always of string type, but certain commands can interpret them as other types. Inside a CMake script, the CMake executable is referred to by ${CMAKE_COMMAND}, so the script needs to do: execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo bar OUTPUT_VARIABLE FOO) The CMAKE_INSTALL_MESSAGE variable may be set to control which messages are printed: ALWAYS. If you look into FindCUDA. g. message("\ This is the first line of a quoted argument. Then you'll get all the variables. ) The message() command joins the strings from this list and for log levels of NOTICE and below, it prepends the resultant string to each line of the message. Feb 23, 2021 · The --log-level command-line option to each of these tools can be used to control which messages will be shown. 2. Now I want to do the same using CMake. Jan 22, 2016 · To print a message after building a specific target, e. 2 posts a warning that the variable was not used while cmake-3. For example, such a function: Feb 2, 2018 · Please tell me how does one convert a variable to a variable of type string in CMake. Mar 3, 2024 · CMake, a powerful cross-platform build system, allows developers to manage the build process of their projects efficiently. You can inspect the value of any variable by dereferencing it with the ${} operator, as in Jan 6, 2014 · As I understand it, when you provide a variable via the command line with cmake (e. The interactive dialogs (ccmake and CMakeSetup) show STATUS messages one at a time on a status line and other messages in interactive pop-up boxes. To make CMake emit warnings about deprecated functionality, use the -Wdeprecated flag The CMake command-line tool displays STATUS messages on stdout and all other message types on stderr. Printing variable value with message need a stack based variable, the message command can find variables stored on stack. Setting it as a cache variable will ensure that subsequent CMake runs will continue to use the chosen log level. Projects should not set this variable, it is intended for users so that they may control the log level according to their own needs. Then in the CMakelists. When that variable is then accessed on future runs of the CMake script, it will always get the value stored inside the cache, ignoring any subsequent -DMy_Var=OFF parameters on the command line. However, I have never seen any documentation for them, yet I have seen that other variables like CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE and CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES are documented, with their definitions being This variable is an alternative to providing the --log-context option on the cmake command line. Both are covered here. Compiler Version ¶ See also the CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_VERSION variable, which is closely related to the expressions in this sub When set, this variable specifies the logging level used by the message() command. Variables that Change Behavior. Example: list( APPEND listVar one two three ) message( VERBOSE [[ Collected items in the "listVar" : ]] ) list( APPEND CMAKE_MESSAGE_INDENT " " ) foreach( item IN LISTS listVar ) message Apr 4, 2020 · I only want to avoid duplicates during the same run of cmake. cmake it clearly says that: Nov 30, 2020 · I would like to be able to just define a cmake variable without giving it a value, similar to how the C preprocessor can define variables and check if the variable is defined. txt 中使用CMake Language来编写项目的构建逻辑,其语法类似与命令式编程语言。执行cmake时,会从根CMakeLists. txt script file. if(DEFINED <variable>) True if the given variable is defined. When run in -P script mode, CMake sets this variable to Specify whether to report a message for each make rule. CMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL¶ When set, this variable specifies the logging level used by the message() command. Deprecated Variables that Provide See also the CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME variable. 1 — in a backward-compatible manner — with CMP0054, which you have to enable explicitly: CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 3. cmake-variables(7) ¶ Contents. Deprecated Variables that Provide CMake の message() 関数に関する一般的なエラーとトラブルシューティング. You could write all the current variables in the parent CMakeLists. A macro operates in the caller’s scope, allowing variables change there but treats arguments as immutable strings. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2. set(_protobuf_include_path -I . Run CMake and have a look at the cache with the ccmake GUI tool. cmake: This variable is an alternative to providing the --log-context option on the cmake command line. Jan 13, 2021 · I’d like to override the cmake cached variable using the command line. A function creates a scope where local variables do not affect parent scope variables. example]. That's why it does not work when you put it into . see the latest cmake docs. lmvhj vcwd ubqyf vacxe nyibzdtb cow lus kkqfp oyq tty