Cafcass direct work tools. " "We do everything from the lens of the child.
Cafcass direct work tools The “Direct Work Resource Pack” is an invaluable compilation of tools and interventions designed for professionals engaged in direct work with children and young people. The CIAF complements our practice framework, Together with Children and Families, in that it is informed and refreshed by learning from feedback, practice quality audits, significant incidents, case record and learning reviews. The diversity wheel can be used as an interactive direct work tool with children and young people or as an aide to support our assessment and recommendations to the family court. These two simple tools aim to help children and young people communicate effectively. 'This Much!' and 'Backdrop' are two applications available to Cafcass practitioners for direct work with children. " To keep you and others safe, we may have to tell other adults what you say. Within social work teams, people share their expertise of what should be done in direct work. Worksheets, booklets, advice sheets, assessment templates and checklists, story books, videos, guides and workbooks downloads for direct work with children and families Free Social Work Tools and Resources: SocialWorkersToolbox. " "Privilege to work for Cafcass and to be able to able to work with children. Cafcass – adapted from Fowler, 2003 : Tool for review of family and environmental factors : Private law: select these tools to gather information during interviews as required in most applications. Worksheets, booklets, advice sheets, assessment templates and checklists, story books, videos, guides and workbooks downloads for direct work with children and families Cafcass say that their FCAs are “qualified, experienced, and trained”. This Cafcass tool can be applied to all children (male and female) under the age of 18 and its purpose is to enable practitioners to assess a child’s level of risk of child sexual exploitation (CSE) and/or child criminal exploitation (CCE) in a concise and consistent manner. com. This helpful resource pack provides practical guidance and activities aimed at promoting meaningful engagement, empowering the voice of the child, and addressing their Additional practice resources are to be found in other folders, such as the resource folder for direct work with children. - drugs and alcohol What’s in this section: Support for adults Social work and substance use: teaching the basics Parenting positively – Helping teenagers to cope with a parent’s problem drug or alcohol use Talking to kids about alcohol: A guide for parents and carers The cycle of change Cafcass SCODA risk assessment checklist Support… There is no single definition of ‘alienating behaviours’. The Parenting Styles Tool is a valuable resource developed by Cafcass to help parents and carers assess their own parenting style and understand its impact on their child. Dec 20, 2023 · This directory of direct work tools provides a range of ideas to use with children and young people. Cafcass say that Cafcass as an organisation cannot be held to account for any irregularities within a Cafcass report as “the report is the professional opinion of the individual Cafcass FCA”. The framework brings together existing guidance and tools, along with a small number of new tools, into four guides which Cafcass private law Jan 13, 2021 · There are various social work tools for direct work with children, young people, and adults in practice. We work with children and young people in family court cases. The Cafcass Child Impact Assessment Framework (CIAF) sets out how children may experience parental separation and how this can be understood and acted on in Cafcass. They were developed by Child & Family Training (C&FT) and have been adjusted to suit Cafcass' specific needs. Colleagues working in schools, who work directly with children and young people, have well-established relationships and are often perceived to be safe adults. We use the term to describe behaviours where one parent or carer expresses an ongoing pattern of negative attitudes and communication about the other parent or carer that have the potential or intention to undermine or even destroy the child’s relationship with their other parent or carer. " "Cafcass is passionate and child-centred. Strengthen working relationship with Independent Reviewing Officers (IROs). Cafcass – adapted from DoH (date unknown) The Child Impact Tool is an interactive and colourful booklet developed by CAFCASS which empowers social workers by facilitating direct communication with children, enabling them to express wishes and feelings in a safe environment. The framework brings together existing guidance and tools, along with a small number of new tools, into four guides which Cafcass private law Cafcass, new Operating Framework August 2017 (page 62) In 2015 Cafcass were asked a series of direct questions about this tool under a FOI request: Who developed this tool for use for Cafcass – please give their job titles (if appropriate) and their professional qualifications? This tool was developed within Cafcass by qualified social workers “There is a good support network with Cafcass, and I do feel you are valued as an Associate FCA with the work that you do. These two simple tools aim It brings together the practice guidance, practice aids, references, and resources to support FCAs when undertaking their assessments of children and families in public and private family law This Cafcass tool can be applied to all children (male and female) under the age of 18 and its purpose is to enable practitioners to assess a child’s level of risk of child sexual exploitation (CSE) and/or child criminal exploitation (CCE) in a concise and consistent manner. This tool… Posted in _Everything Assessment Assessment: Parents Launch Accessibility tools - change language, text, and colours Children and young people feedback line : 0808 175 3333 If you are concerned about a child's safety, please contact the local authority where the child lives . Why an impact tool? The key driver in the development of this tool is the Children and Adoption Act (2006), which places a duty on Cafcass to assess risk. Free direct work, assessment and interventions resources for children's social workers . My Needs, Wishes and Feelings pack Oct 22, 2018 · Cafcass (the department of social workers assisting the family courts) has produced a new set of tools contained in what they have called The Child Impact Assessment Framework so that all those involved in disputes involving children can gain a better understanding of how children experience the separation of their parents. This could be used for discussing feelings, daily routines Our Child Impact Assessment Framework (CIAF) brings together the practice guidance, practice aids, references and resources to support FCAs working in all law types, in their social work The Child Impact Tool is an interactive and colourful booklet developed by CAFCASS which empowers social workers by facilitating direct communication with children, enabling them to express wishes and feelings in a safe environment. The Group Supervision session reflects on the elements of Together, by asking questions around how your work has made a difference to a child (strengths), and in complex work, how Further promote the range and application of direct work tools available to practitioners. Our job is to make sure that you are safe and that your welfare is prioritised during court proceedings about you and your family. Our Child Impact Assessment Framework (CIAF) brings together the practice guidance, practice aids, references and resources to support FCAs working in all law types, in their social work The Child Impact Tool is an interactive and colourful booklet developed by CAFCASS which empowers social workers by facilitating direct communication with children, enabling them to express wishes and feelings in a safe environment. It can be Hello! Welcome to Cafcass. We saw good outcomes for children resulting from effective resolution work at first hearing where family court advisors engaged effectively with family members to agree best way forward for the child. My Needs, Wishes and Feelings - a set of tools CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) workers use to help children express their feelings with the courts. Launch Accessibility tools - change language, text, and colours Children and young people feedback line : 0808 175 3333 If you are concerned about a child's safety, please contact the local authority where the child lives . This tool was developed by Cafcass. ” observed family court advisors engage with children using direct work tools to ascertain their wishes and feelings. This helpful resource pack provides practical guidance and activities aimed at promoting meaningful engagement, empowering the voice of the child, and addressing their Why did Cafcass introduce direct work apps? 'This Much!' and 'Backdrop' are two applications available to Cafcass practitioners for direct work with children. Where a Cafcass practitioner considers the use of an external organisation to provide child contact services either as part of planned work, signposting parents to an organisation or when making a recommendation to court, the organisation providing a service will need to be accredited with the National Association of Child Contact Centres (NACCC). Private law: select these tools to gather information during interviews as required in most applications. Next steps. What you think is important and we hope that you will be able to share with us the important The Three Islands is a fun and interactive direct work activity for social workers and practitioners to engage children in exploring their preferences, views, wishes and concerns. S ay it your own way. 3. • Whilst we primarily use these tools in our private law work, they are also used to inform our public law work. CIW expects Cafcass Cymru to consider the areas identified for improvement and take appropriate action. It is important to stress, however, the manner in which direct work tools are introduced and used with children is essential to their success. This is intended to Launch Accessibility tools - change language, text, and colours Children and young people feedback line : 0808 175 3333 If you are concerned about a child's safety, please contact the local authority where the child lives . " "Proud to be here - I feel valued professionally and personally. This activity enables professionals to understand what children like, dislike, and worry about. Apr 2, 2024 · "Changes that have occurred (at Cafcass) have been very positive for children. pdf (2664 KB) - a tool kit of engaging worksheets created by the DfE & Barnardo's. However, you may have already realised that your colleagues or social workers are ever so busy. Offering 400+ free tools for social workers, including guides, worskeets, booklets, children's stories, and videos for direct work with children. Jan 13, 2021 · SOCIAL WORK RESOURCES There are various social work tools for direct work with children, young people, and adults in practice. Links to resources that may assist you with your direct work with learners. The tools listed below have all been tried and tested by social workers in everyday practice. • This includes tools for assessing and tools to engage children in direct work. " "We do everything from the lens of the child. We welcome feedback and complaints from the children and families with whom we work. There are good online resources to help with not only your direct work with children and their families, but also access to learning resources. Cafcass say you “cannot complain about the contents of a Cafcass report the use of a reflective supervision tool, which uses elements of restorative and strengths-based practice. To find out more and how to provide feedback or to complain, please select one of the following links: If you are a child or young person who wants to provide feedback or complain, please click here . Find resources for domestic abuse, mental health, substance use, adoption and fostering and more. 1. . The tool has been developed to enable a child to share the risks and safety issues within their lives, which may have already been communicated to the Cafcass practitioner through other enquiries The Cafcass Child Impact Assessment Framework (CIAF) sets out how children may experience parental separation and how this can be understood and acted on in Cafcass. Free Social Work Tools and Resources: SocialWorkersToolbox. koarx wlyqd vbhwbm qha lae inld gpg hqtyb agrxgu eejus